All Is Forgiven

As Hemingway tells the story, the next day at noon, in front of the newspaper office, there were 800 Pacos, all seeking forgiveness from their fathers.

Are you like one of those Pacos? Carrying around a load of guilt, wanting forgiveness, but not knowing where to find it? Your Father in heaven, who loves you very much, has made the first move. Just as Paco’s father ran an ad in the paper, so God sent his son to die on a Roman cross.

“If I am lifted up,” Jesus said, talking about the cross, “I will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32). And along with all those Pacos who showed up at the newspaper office, you’re invited to come as well.

All-Points Bulletin

In the same way, our Heavenly Father pursues us—not because he wants to punish us but because he wants to save us. You may be running away from God because—like the car thief—you are a sinner. You have broken God’s law. But what you may not realize is that God is trying to rescue you, not condemn you. The penalty for your sin has been paid by Jesus Christ on the cross, and God wants to give you your freedom. So stop running and turn yourself in. Your life is at stake!

Sabbath Day

Catholic Church Admits, Seventh Day Adventist Are Keeping The True Sabbath

The issue of Sabbath worship has become so controversial now than ever before with many skeptics still keeping Sunday as a ‘memorial of the resurrection of Christ’, something that is neither found in the bible nor commanded of men.

10 Torture devices used by the Catholic Church in the Inquisition

Dated Feb 24, 2015 this article has been written.

In 12th century torture became an integral part of all capital legal proceedings. Also, it was often practiced by the inquisition in most European countries in cases of heresy, blasphemy, adultery and many other similar ‘crimes against God’. Beside common means of torture like beating, suffocating and burning Roman-Catholic Church used others, more depraved ways of extracting confessions and execution of its victims.

The Rise of the Selfie Generation

With a world-famous celebrity, in an enviable vacation destination, or before a sumptuous  slice of delicacy – it seems understandable, and even necessary, to capture rate moments of privilege, pleasure, and beauty with a selfie. We wouldn’t think twice about taking a self- portrait and sharing it with friends during special days.

Taking pictures or ourselves of ourselves, however, has evolved into a totally different animal unleashed by the power of ubiquitous social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.

Sleep thieves

By Nida Tenerife-Canto

Who doesn’t dream of an uninterrupted good night sleep after a long tiring day? Me, I just love to sleep the night away.

Choosing the food you eat and the amount you heap on your plate before bedtime can result to sleeplessness at night. While some bring pleasure to the palate, they rob you of the pleasure of sleep.

How should Christians treat animals in research?

In doing scientific research, we must not forget the domain of our stewardship, so as to move away from procedures that cause pain suffering in animals. We can and must aspire to a higher level of responsibility to God and the rest of His creation.


Teaching Strategies

Personally compiled by the Author. Kindly acknowledged the author or gives credits to her when you will use this.

Happy swimming

A story that your children will know how they can benefit if they will use swimming as their routine exercise. It has been published by the Health and Home Magazine (May-June' 2014 Issue). Aside from that it also help us (readers) to expand our mind that we can use also this kind of exercise not only to tone up our muscles but it also makes us feel-good. I hope that you will also apply the values we learn in this story and also I hope that you will like it too. Kudos to all of you and may God bless us all. 

Encoded by: 


Credits to the Author of the Story.