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Travelling tips with little kids

By Val G. Operania


Val G. Operania

First Published: 2013/07/31

Things to Bring:

Aside from the basic needs as food, milk, and water, it is important to consider the following:

Nursery bag

Car seat

Baby wet pipes

Disposable liner holder

Disposable liner

Buggy or stroller

Baby carrier

Plastic bags for dirty clothes

Extra clothes


  • Your family may be going out for shopping, or for a picnic with little kids on board a car could be a safe and pleasant experience if you consider the following tips:


  • Wear a seat belt and ask all passengers to do the same.


  • Do not allow two children or a parent and a child to use only one seat belt.


  • Never let the baby ride in your arms while the car is moving.


  • Avoid the temptation not to place the baby in a car seat "because we're traveling only a few blocks."


  • Do not leave the rear door of the car open. This lets in exhaust fumes. Also, dangerous objects come through the open door in a crash.


  • Do not allow children to play with sharp objects or metals while the car is moving. This objects may accidentally hit them if the car suddenly stops.


  • Put loose objects inside the car trunk.


  • A pregnant mother should especially use a seat belt. Until her child is born, she is the baby's car seat." The lap belt must be kept below her uterus, across the pelvic bone, to avoid injury to the baby from the seat belt.


  • Bring along musical tapes and play them right after buckling the baby in.


  • Bring along nonchokable snacks like rice cakes or bread. Do not allow kids to suck on lollipops or Popsicle or anything with a stick. A swerve or an accident could ram the stick into the kid' throats.


  • When driving long distances, make frequent pits stops.

Almeida, Caiky Xavier. ""One Year in Mission" Project, South American Division." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. November 27, 2021. Accessed March 05, 2024.

Almeida, Caiky Xavier. ""One Year in Mission" Project, South American Division." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. November 27, 2021. Date of access March 05, 2024,

Almeida, Caiky Xavier (2021, November 27). "One Year in Mission" Project, South American Division. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved March 05, 2024,