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Continuation...How to Make a Modified Phishing URL



First Published: 2016/02/18

Now let’s finalized your PHISHING WEBSITE

Take note this method is only for those who have already a phishing website but they wanted to customize their domain name. I will post later on how to make a phishing website in this hosting service.

1. Go to your uCoz control panel (CP) >> Site News >> Module Design Costumization. 

The “Page of the entries archive” must be highlighted.

2. Delete all html codes inside the box and then copy and paste this following codes:



<title>(title of the page you wanted to intrude. Don't forget to edit this.) </title>


<body bgcolor="black">

<iframe src="" style="border:none" width="100%" height="800"$POWERED_BY$></iframe>



3. In the Control Panel menu bar >> Settings >> Website Toolbar. (Refer below) Check “Use the fixed toolbar” then click “Save” (Refer on the second image below)

4. CP >> Page editor >>  Module Setting. Find and check the following: "The domain ( is a primary one:" (Just to make sure that your website will use www) Then redirects your website homepage to Site News (it is where you paste your code for phishing website; Refer on the second image below) Find this following sentence; "When opening the homepage redirect to:" Lastly don't forget to hit "Save".

You're Done



Almeida, Caiky Xavier. ""One Year in Mission" Project, South American Division." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. November 27, 2021. Accessed March 05, 2024.

Almeida, Caiky Xavier. ""One Year in Mission" Project, South American Division." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. November 27, 2021. Date of access March 05, 2024,

Almeida, Caiky Xavier (2021, November 27). "One Year in Mission" Project, South American Division. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved March 05, 2024,